Japanese Hiragana Katakana Kanji

Japanese language learning information including:

Hiragana - pronunciation and writing
Katakana - pronunciation and writing
Kanji - grades 1-6 (教育漢字 Kyōiku kanji)
Vocabulary - nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives
Vocabulary - adverb - o-p

This is a list of adverbs beginning with the English letters o-p along with their romaji, Japanese, and kanji equivalents.
English Romaji Japanese Kanji
occasionally tamani たまに  
occasionally tokiori ときおり 時折
occasionally tokidoki ときどき 時々
of course mochiron もちろん 勿論
often shijuu しじゅう 始終
often shibashiba しばしば  
often yoku よく  
on the contrary kaette かえって 却って
on the way tsuideni ついでに 序でに
once ittan いったん 一旦
one after another zokuzoku ぞくぞく 続々
one after another tsugitsugi つぎつぎ 次々
one by one ichiichi いちいち 一々
one by one hitorihitori ひとりひとり 一人一人
one o' clock ichiji いちじ 一時
only tatta たった  
only just karoujite かろうじて 辛うじて
originally honrai ほんらい 本来
perhaps moshikashitara もしかしたら  
perhaps tashika たしか 確か
perhaps tabun たぶん 多分
persistently akumademo あくまでも  
please douzo どうぞ  
possibly osoraku おそらく 恐らく
properly chanto ちゃんと