Japanese Hiragana Katakana Kanji

Japanese language learning information including:

Hiragana - pronunciation and writing
Katakana - pronunciation and writing
Kanji - grades 1-6 (教育漢字 Kyōiku kanji)
Vocabulary - nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives
Vocabulary - verb - w

This is a list of verbs beginning with the English letter w along with their romaji, Japanese, and kanji equivalents.
English Romaji Japanese Kanji
to wait matsu まつ 待つ
to wake someone up okosu おこす 起こす
to wake up mezemeru めざめる 目覚める
to wake up samasu さます 覚ます
to wake up sameru さめる 覚める
to walk aruku あるく 歩く
to want iru いる 要る
to warm atatameru あたためる 暖める
to wash arau あらう 洗う
to weaken otoroeru おとろえる 衰える
to wear haku はく 履く
to wear kiru きる 着る
to wear tsukeru つける 着ける
to weave oru おる 織る
to whisper sasayaku ささやく  
to win katsu かつ 勝つ
to wipe fuku ふく 拭く
to wish negau ねがう 願う
to withdraw hikidasu ひきだす 引き出す
to wither kareru かれる 枯れる
to wither shibomu しぼむ 萎む
to work hataraku はたらく 働く
to work for tsutomeru つとめる 勤める
to worship ogamu おがむ 拝む
to wrap kurumu くるむ 包む
to wrap maku まく 巻く
to wrap tsutsumu つつむ 包む
to write kaku かく 書く