Japanese Hiragana Katakana Kanji

Japanese language learning information including:

Hiragana - pronunciation and writing
Katakana - pronunciation and writing
Kanji - grades 1-6 (教育漢字 Kyōiku kanji)
Vocabulary - nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives
Vocabulary - verb - sa

This is a list of verbs beginning with the Japanese character sa along with their kanji, romaji, and Japanese equivalents.
Japanese Kanji Romaji English
さかのぼる 遡る sakanoboru to date back to
さからう 逆らう sakarau to go against
さがる 下がる sagaru to go down
さく 咲く saku to bloom
さく 裂く saku to tear
さぐる 探る saguru to search for
さけぶ 叫ぶ sakebu to shout
さける 避ける sakeru to avoid
さける 裂ける sakeru to rip
さげる 下げる sageru to lower
ささえる 支える sasaeru to support
ささやく   sasayaku to whisper
さしあげる 差し上げる sashiageru to give
さしだす 差し出す sashidasu to hold out
さしひく 差し引く sashihiku to deduct
さす 指す sasu to point to
さす 差す sasu to put up an umbrella
さす 刺す sasu to stab
さそう 誘う sasou to invite
さっする 察する sassuru to guess
さびる 錆びる sabiru to rust
さます 冷ます samasu to cool something
さます 覚ます samasu to wake up
さまたげる 妨げる samatageru to obstruct
さめる 覚める sameru to wake up
さめる 冷める sameru to cool
さらう   sarau to kidnap
さる 去る saru to leave
さわぐ 騒ぐ sawagu to make noise
さわる 触る sawaru to touch