Japanese Hiragana Katakana Kanji

Japanese language learning information including:

Hiragana - pronunciation and writing
Katakana - pronunciation and writing
Kanji - grades 1-6 (教育漢字 Kyōiku kanji)
Vocabulary - nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives
Vocabulary - verb - yo

This is a list of verbs beginning with the Japanese character yo along with their kanji, romaji, and Japanese equivalents.
Japanese Kanji Romaji English
よう 酔う you to be drunk
よこぎる 横切る yokogiru to cross
よこす 寄越す yokosu to come close
よごす 汚す yogosu to dirty
よごれる 汚れる yogoreru to be dirty
よす   yosu to stop
よせる 寄せる yoseru to deliver
よっぱらう 酔っ払う yopparau to be drunk
よびかける 呼びかける yobikakeru to call out to
よびだす 呼び出す yobidasu to call
よぶ 呼ぶ yobu to invite
よみあげる 読み上げる yomiageru to read aloud
よみがえる 蘇る, 甦る yomigaeru to revive
よむ 読む yomu to read
よりかかる 寄りかかる yorikakaru to lean on
よる 寄る yoru to come close
よる 因る yoru to depend
よろこぶ 喜ぶ yorokobu to be delighted