Japanese Hiragana Katakana Kanji

Japanese language learning information including:

Hiragana - pronunciation and writing
Katakana - pronunciation and writing
Kanji - grades 1-6 (教育漢字 Kyōiku kanji)
Vocabulary - nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives
Vocabulary - verb - hi

This is a list of verbs beginning with the Japanese character hi along with their kanji, romaji, and Japanese equivalents.
Japanese Kanji Romaji English
ひえる 冷える hieru to get cold
ひかる 光る hikaru to shine
ひきうける 引き受ける hikiukeru to undertake
ひきおこす 引き起こす hikiokosu to cause
ひきだす 引き出す hikidasu to withdraw
ひきわたす 引き渡す hikiwatasu to hand over
ひく 引く hiku to pull
ひく 轢く hiku to run over
ひっかかる 引っかかる hikkakaru to get caught
ひっかける 引っかける hikkakeru to catch
ひっくりかえす 引っくり返す hikkurikaesu to get caught
ひっくりかえる 引っくり返る hikkurikaeru to catch
ひっこす 引っ越す hikkosu to move house
ひっぱる 引っ張る hipparu to pull
ひねる 捻る hineru to twist
ひびく 響く hibiku to sound
ひやす 冷やす hiyasu to chill
ひらく 開く hiraku to open
ひろう 拾う hirou to pick up
ひろがる 広がる hirogaru to spread
ひろげる 広げる hirogeru to expand
ひろまる 広まる hiromaru to spread
ひろめる 広める hiromeru to spread