Japanese Hiragana Katakana Kanji

Japanese language learning information including:

Hiragana - pronunciation and writing
Katakana - pronunciation and writing
Kanji - grades 1-6 (教育漢字 Kyōiku kanji)
Vocabulary - nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives
Kanji Grade 3 - 面

Kanji character Grade 3 面. Writing practice along with onyomi and kunyomi readings.

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Kanji Grade 3 - 面
mask, face, features, surface
Kun: おも、 おもて、 つら
On: メン、 ベン
9 strokes
Radical: face 面 (靣)
Parts: 面
面 【メン】 face, mask, face guard, (in kendo) striking the head, surface (esp. a geometrical surface), page, aspect, facet, side, chamfer, counter for broad, flat objects, levels or stages, e.g. in a video game
面会 【メンカイ】 meeting (face-to-face), seeing, visit, interview
平面 【ヘイメン】 level surface, plane
対面 【タイメン】 meeting face-to-face, seeing in person, facing (each other), opposing (traffic, etc.), confronting
面 【おもて】 face, surface, mask (esp. a noh or kyogen mask)
面影 【おもかげ】 face, looks, vestiges, trace
水の面 【みのも】 surface of the water, face of the water
面 【おもて】 face, surface, mask (esp. a noh or kyogen mask)
面伏せ 【おもてぶせ】 being so embarrassed as to keep one's face down
細面 【ほそおもて】 slender face
面 【つら】 face, mug, surface, cheek meat, cheek, cheeks, surrounding area
面当て 【つらあて】 spiteful remarks
赤面 【あかつら】 red face, villain (in kabuki, jōruri, etc.)
横面 【よこつら】 side of face