Japanese Hiragana Katakana Kanji

Japanese language learning information including:

Hiragana - pronunciation and writing
Katakana - pronunciation and writing
Kanji - grades 1-6 (教育漢字 Kyōiku kanji)
Vocabulary - nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives
Kanji Grade 1 - 休

Kanji character Grade 1 休. Writing practice along with onyomi and kunyomi readings.

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Kanji Grade 1 - 休
rest, day off, retire, sleep
Kun: やす.む、 やす.まる、 やす.める
On: キュウ
6 strokes
Radical: man, human 人 (亻)
Parts: 化 木
休刊 【キュウカン】 suspension of publication
休暇 【キュウカ】 holiday, day off, furlough, absence (from work)
帰休 【キキュウ】 leave, furlough, temporary layoff
定休 【テイキュウ】 regular holiday, fixed day off, regular closing day
休む 【やすむ】 to be absent, to take a day off, to rest, to have a break, to go to bed, to (lie down to) sleep, to turn in, to retire, to stop doing some ongoing activity for a time, to suspend business
休まる 【やすまる】 to be rested, to feel at ease, to repose, to be relieved
休める 【やすめる】 to rest, to suspend, to give relief