Japanese Hiragana Katakana Kanji

Japanese language learning information including:

Hiragana - pronunciation and writing
Katakana - pronunciation and writing
Kanji - grades 1-6 (教育漢字 Kyōiku kanji)
Vocabulary - nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives
Kanji - Grade 6

The 181 kanji characters Japanese elementary school students learn in 6th grade.

The table below shows the kanji numbers as listed by the Japanese Ministry of Education. The table also shows the number of strokes for writing each kanji, the meaning of each kanji, and the onyomi and kunyomi readings for each kanji.

Note: There are two columns of clickable kanji character links.
  • Kanji column - These links go directly to my site pages.
  • Wiki column - These links go directly to the Wiktionary pages for each kanji for additional information. Each Wiktionary link opens to a new window.
  • Note: the individual kanji pages state the following: "Click the writing practice application link on either sidebar if you want to try writing this kanji character online." The writing application link is no longer working.
Quick Links
Grade 1    Grade 2    Grade 3    Grade 4    Grade 5    Grade 6
# Kanji Wiki Strokes Meaning Onyomi Kunyomi
826 8 row hei nami, nara-bu
827 7 chaos ran mida-reru
828 8 milk nyū chichi
829 3 deceased na-kunaru
830 4 kindness jin
831 8 offer kyō, ku tomo
832 10 actor hai
833 10 value chi atai
834 13 wound shō kizu
835 17 superior yasa-shii
836 10 political party
837 5 counter for books satsu
838 5 dispose sho
839 8 engrave koku kiza-mu
840 12 divide katsu wa-ru
841 12 create tsuku-ru
842 15 drama geki
843 12 diligence kin tsuto-meru
844 6 dangerous ki aya-ui
845 7 egg ran tamago
846 17 strict gen kibi-shii
847 4 obtain shū osa-meru
848 6 queen kō, gō kisaki
849 7 negate hi ina, iya
850 6 suck kyū su-u
851 8 call ko yo-bu
852 12 virtue zen yo-i
853 7 quandary kon koma-ru
854 8 droop sui ta-reru
855 9 castle shiro
856 11 range iki
857 9 play music kana-deru
858 16 stirred up fun furu-u
859 姿 姿 9 shape shi sugata
860 6 suppose son
861 7 filial piety
862 6 home taku ie
863 6 eaves u
864 8 religion shū
865 8 mid-air chū
866 8 treasure takara
867 9 proclaim sen notama-u
868 11 secrecy mitsu
869 3 measurement sun
870 9 specialty sen moppa-ra
871 10 shoot sha i-ru
872 10 leader shō
873 12 revered son touto-bu
874 12 concerning shū tsu-ku
875 4 measure of length shaku
876 8 deliver kai todo-ku
877 10 expand ten
878 14 stratum
879 3 self ko onore
880 9 scroll kan maki
881 13 curtain maku, baku
882 3 dry kan ho-su
883 5 infancy osana-i
884 5 government office chō
885 10 sit za suwa-ru
886 8 prolong en no-basu
887 9 rhythm ritsu
888 10 obey shitaga-u
889 7 forget wasu-reru
890 8 loyalty chū
891 16 constitution ken
892 7 ego ga ware
893 7 criticism hi
894 8 shouldering tan nina-u
895 8 worship hai oga-mu
896 8 broaden kaku hiro-geru
897 11 discard sha su-teru
898 11 grope tan saga-su
899 11 infer sui
900 12 brandish ki
901 16 maneuver ayatsu-ru
902 12 respect kei uyama-u
903 9 reflect ei utsu-ru
904 12 nightfall ban
905 13 warmth dan atata-kai
906 14 livelihood bo ku-rasu
907 10 melodious hoga-raka
908 6 desk ki tsukue
909 8 sheet of... mai
910 9 dye sen so-meru
911 10 stocks shu kabu
912 12 rod
913 14 imitation mo, bo
914 15 rights ken
915 16 trees ju ki
916 11 longing yoku ho-shii
917 9 steps dan
918 沿 沿 8 run alongside en so-u
919 9 fountain sen izumi
920 9 wash sen ara-u
921 9 sect ha
922 11 settle sai su-mu
923 13 source gen minamoto
924 15 tide chō shio
925 16 violent geki hage-shii
926 6 ashes kai hai
927 15 ripen juku u-reru
928 4 one-sided hen kata
929 10 corps han
930 11 uncommon i koto-naru
931 14 doubt gi utaga-u
932 12 pain tsū ita-i
933 9 emperor kō, ō
934 11 prosper sei mo-ru
935 13 alliance mei
936 9 watch over kan
937 9 sand sa, sha suna
938 14 magnet ji
939 7 me shi watakushi, watashi
940 10 secret hi hi-meru
941 14 cereal koku
942 5 hole ketsu ana
943 11 window mado
944 12 muscle kin suji
945 12 scheme saku
946 18 simplicity kan
947 16 sugar
948 7 lineage kei
949 9 crimson beni, kurenai
950 10 settlement osa-meru
951 10 genuine jun
952 13 silk ken kinu
953 16 vertical tate
954 17 shrink shuku chidi-mu
955 13 government office sho
956 11 forthcoming yoku
957 13 holy sei
958 9 lung hai
959 9 back hai se
960 10 bosom kyō mune
961 11 brain
962 13 abdomen fuku hara
963 19 entrails
964 18 lookover rin nozo-mu
965 6 climax shi ita-ru
966 8 young jaku waka-i
967 11 renowned cho arawa-su, ichijiru-shii
968 13 foment mu-su
969 15 storehouse kura
970 10 silkworm san kaiko
971 12 masses shū
972 12 judge sai saba-ku
973 12 attire sō, shō yosoo-u
974 13 rear ri ura
975 12 supplement ho ogina-u
976 11 look at shi mi-ru
977 17 perusal ran
978 10 chastise u-tsu
979 11 visit otozu-reru
980 11 translate yaku wake
981 12 poetry shi kotoba
982 14 document shi
983 14 recognize nin mito-meru
984 15 born tan
985 13 sincerity sei makoto
986 14 mistake go ayama-ru
987 15 theory ron
988 15 various sho moro
989 19 admonish kei imashi-meru
990 12 precious ki tatto-i
991 13 fare chin
992 15 bequeath i
993 11 mail
994 11 home town kyō
995 10 needle shin hari
996 16 steel hagane
997 11 closed hei shi-meru
998 14 tower kaku
999 10 descend o-riru
1000 10 majesty hei
1001 10 exclude jo, ji nozo-ku
1002 14 hurt shō sawa-ru
1003 18 difficult nan muzuka-shii
1004 9 leather kaku kawa
1005 11 place on the head chō itada-ku
1006 10 bone kotsu hone