Japanese Hiragana Katakana Kanji

Japanese language learning information including:

Hiragana - pronunciation and writing
Katakana - pronunciation and writing
Kanji - grades 1-6 (教育漢字 Kyōiku kanji)
Vocabulary - nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives
Kanji Grade 2 - 頭

Kanji character Grade 2 頭. Writing practice along with onyomi and kunyomi readings.

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Kanji Grade 2 - 頭
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head, counter for large animals
Kun: あたま、 かしら、 -がしら、 かぶり
On: トウ、 ズ、 ト
16 strokes
Radical: leaf 頁
Parts: ハ 并 口 目 豆 貝 頁
頭 【トウ】 counter for large animals (e.g. head of cattle), counter for insects in a collection, counter for helmets, masks, etc.
頭角 【トウカク】 top of the head
教頭 【キョウトウ】 deputy head teacher, vice principal
会頭 【カイトウ】 society president
頭 【ズ】 head
頭 【コウベ】 head
竜頭 【リュウズ】 crown (of a watch), stem, cannon (of a bell)
飛竜頭 【ヒリョウズ】 filhos (traditional Portuguese dessert), deep-fried tofu mixed with thinly sliced vegetables
頭 【トウ】 counter for large animals (e.g. head of cattle), counter for insects in a collection, counter for helmets, masks, etc.
頭角 【トウカク】 top of the head
頭 【あたま】 head, hair (on one's head), mind, brains, intellect, leader, chief, boss, captain, top, tip, beginning, start, head, person, down payment, deposit, top structural component of a kanji, pair
頭打ち 【あたまうち】 reaching a peak, reaching the limit, plateauing, maxing out
石頭 【いしあたま】 obstinate person, stubbornness, pigheadedness, hard head (like a rock)
ごま塩頭 【ごましおあたま】 salt and pepper hair, dark hair streaked with gray
頭 【あたま】 head, hair (on one's head), mind, brains, intellect, leader, chief, boss, captain, top, tip, beginning, start, head, person, down payment, deposit, top structural component of a kanji, pair
頭文字 【かしらもじ】 first letter of a word, capital letter (at the start of a word or sentence), initials (of one's name)
鯛の尾より鰯の頭 【たいのおよりいわしのかしら】 better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion
め組の頭 【めぐみのかしら】 fire brigade chief (in Edo), chief fireman
頭 【こうべ】 head
頭を振る 【かぶりをふる】 to shake one's head (in denial)