Japanese Hiragana Katakana Kanji

Japanese language learning information including:

Hiragana - pronunciation and writing
Katakana - pronunciation and writing
Kanji - grades 1-6 (教育漢字 Kyōiku kanji)
Vocabulary - nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives
Kanji Grade 5 - 圧

Kanji character Grade 5 圧. Writing practice along with onyomi and kunyomi readings.

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Kanji Grade 5 - 圧
pressure, push, overwhelm, oppress, dominate
Kun: お.す、 へ.す、 おさ.える、 お.さえる
On: アツ、 エン、 オウ
5 strokes
Radical: earth 土
Parts: 厂 土
圧 【アツ】 pressure, force
圧力 【アツリョク】 pressure, stress, pressure (e.g. political), coercion, arm-twisting
高圧 【コウアツ】 high voltage, high pressure
外圧 【ガイアツ】 external pressure, outside pressure, foreign pressure
圧状 【オウジョウ】 document written under duress, coercion
圧す 【へす】 to dent, to press, to push