Japanese Hiragana Katakana Kanji

Japanese language learning information including:

Hiragana - pronunciation and writing
Katakana - pronunciation and writing
Kanji - grades 1-6 (教育漢字 Kyōiku kanji)
Vocabulary - nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives
Kanji Grade 2 - 今

Kanji character Grade 2 今. Writing practice along with onyomi and kunyomi readings.

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Kanji Grade 2 - 今
Kun: いま
On: コン、 キン
4 strokes
Radical: man, human 人 (亻)
Parts: 一 个
今 【コン】 the current ..., this, today's ...
今夏 【コンカ】 this summer, next summer, last summer
当今 【トウコン】 nowadays, these days, at present
方今 【ホウコン】 present time, now, nowadays
今古 【キンコ】 now and anciently
今上 【キンジョウ】 His Majesty the Emperor, the present emperor, the reigning emperor
今 【いま】 now, the present time, just now, soon, immediately, another, more
今に 【いまに】 before long, even now
中今 【なかいま】 the present (esp. as a privileged moment in eternity)
今が今 【いまがいま】 just now