Japanese Hiragana Katakana Kanji

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Kanji - grades 1-6 (教育漢字 Kyōiku kanji)
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Kanji Grade 2 - 食

Kanji character Grade 2 食. Writing practice along with onyomi and kunyomi readings.

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Kanji Grade 2 - 食
eat, food
Kun: く.う、 く.らう、 た.べる、 は.む
On: ショク、 ジキ
9 strokes
Radical: eat, food 食 (飠)
Parts: 食
食 【ショク】 food, foodstuff, eating, appetite, meal
食 【ショク】 eclipse (solar, lunar, etc.)
飽食 【ホウショク】 gluttony, satiation, engorgement
会食 【カイショク】 dining together, mess
食 【ショク】 food, foodstuff, eating, appetite, meal
食堂 【ジキドウ】 dining hall (at a temple)
断食 【ダンジキ】 fasting, fast
斎食 【サイジキ】 morning meal (for priests, monks, etc.), food offering at a Buddhist ceremony
食う 【くう】 to eat, to live, to make a living, to survive, to bite, to sting (as insects do), to tease, to torment, to taunt, to make light of, to make fun of, to encroach on, to eat into, to consume, to defeat a superior, to threaten a position, to consume time and-or resources, to receive something (usu. an unfavourable event), to have sexual relations with a woman, esp. for the first time
食うや食わず 【くうやくわず】 (living) from hand to mouth, living on the fringe of subsistence
食らう 【くらう】 to eat, to drink, to wolf, to knock back, to receive (e.g. a blow), to be on the receiving end (of something undesirable), to undergo (trouble)
食べる 【たべる】 to eat, to live on (e.g. a salary), to live off, to subsist on
食べるラー油 【たべるラーゆ】 chili oil mixed with chopped garlic, onions, etc.
食む 【はむ】 to eat (fodder, grass, etc.), to receive (a salary), to receive a stipend from one's lord