Japanese Hiragana Katakana Kanji

Japanese language learning information including:

Hiragana - pronunciation and writing
Katakana - pronunciation and writing
Kanji - grades 1-6 (教育漢字 Kyōiku kanji)
Vocabulary - nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives
Kanji Grade 2 - 通

Kanji character Grade 2 通. Writing practice along with onyomi and kunyomi readings.

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Kanji Grade 2 - 通
traffic, pass through, avenue, commute, counter for letters, notes, documents, etc.
Kun: とお.る、 とお.り、 -とお.り、 -どお.り、 とお.す、 とお.し、 -どお.し、 かよ.う
On: ツウ、 ツ
10 strokes (also 9)
Radical: walk 辵 (辶, ⻌, ⻍)
Parts: マ 込 用
通 【ツウ】 authority, expert, connoisseur, well-informed person, counter for messages, letters, notes, documents, etc., understanding (esp. of male-female relations), tact, insight, supernatural powers, magical powers
通院 【ツウイン】 going to the hospital for regular treatment
富士通 【フジツウ】 Fujitsu
食通 【ショクツウ】 gourmandism, gourmet, gourmand, foodie
通 【ツウ】 authority, expert, connoisseur, well-informed person, counter for messages, letters, notes, documents, etc., understanding (esp. of male-female relations), tact, insight, supernatural powers, magical powers
通院 【ツウイン】 going to the hospital for regular treatment
通る 【とおる】 to go by, to go past, to go along, to travel along, to pass through, to use (a road), to take (a route), to go via, to go by way of, to run (between; of a rail service, bus route, etc.), to operate (between), to connect, to go indoors, to go into a room, to be admitted, to be shown in, to be ushered in, to come in, to penetrate, to pierce, to skewer, to go through, to come through, to permeate, to soak into, to spread throughout, to carry (e.g. of a voice), to reach far, to be passed on (e.g. of a customer's order to the kitchen), to be relayed, to be conveyed, to pass (a test, a bill in the House, etc.), to be approved, to be accepted, to go by (a name), to be known as, to be accepted as, to have a reputation for, to be coherent, to be logical, to be reasonable, to be comprehensible, to be understandable, to make sense, to get across (e.g. of one's point), to be understood, to pass for, to come across as, to seem like, to be straight (e.g. wood grain), to be well-informed, to be wise, to do ... completely, to do ... thoroughly
通り 【とおり】 avenue, street, way, road, coming and going, street traffic, flow (of water, air, etc.), transmission (of sound), reach (e.g. of voice), fame, reputation, popularity, the same status or way, as (e.g. as expected, as I said), understanding, comprehension, counter for sets of things, counter for methods, ways, types
通り過ぎる 【とおりすぎる】 to go past, to pass, to pass by
通す 【とおす】 to stick through, to force through, to spread throughout, to thoroughly diffuse, to make a path between two points, to proceed in a logical manner, to let pass, to allow through, to lead (someone) into (a house, room, etc.), to show in, to go through (a middleman), to (look, listen) through (a window, wall, etc.), to pass (a law, applicant, etc.), to force to accept, to force agreement, to continue (in a state), to persist in, to do to the entirety of, to cover all of, to span the whole ..., to do from beginning to end without a break, to convey (one's ideas, etc.) to the other party, to do to the end, to carry through, to complete
通し 【とおし】 continuing from beginning to end, continuous run, consecutive run, appetizer, starter, hors d'oeuvre, performance of an entire play
通し切符 【とおしきっぷ】 through ticket (e.g. rail, air), ticket good for multiple performances (e.g. both matinee and evening shows), all-day ticket, season ticket
切通し 【きりどおし】 road (or railway) cut through hilly terrain, cutting
通う 【かよう】 to go to and from (a place), to go back and forth between, to run between (e.g. bus, train, etc.), to ply between, to go to (school, work, etc.), to attend, to commute, to frequent, to circulate (e.g. blood, electricity), to be communicated (e.g. thought), to resemble