Japanese Hiragana Katakana Kanji

Japanese language learning information including:

Hiragana - pronunciation and writing
Katakana - pronunciation and writing
Kanji - grades 1-6 (教育漢字 Kyōiku kanji)
Vocabulary - nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives
Kanji Grade 6 - 難

Kanji character Grade 6 難. Writing practice along with onyomi and kunyomi readings.

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Kanji Grade 6 - 難
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difficult, impossible, trouble, accident, defect
Kun: かた.い、 -がた.い、 むずか.しい、 むづか.しい、 むつか.しい、 -にく.い
On: ナン
18 strokes
Radical: small bird 隹
Parts: 二 亠 口 大 艾 隹
難 【ナン】 difficulty, trouble, hardship, accident, disaster, danger, fault, defect, criticism
難解 【ナンカイ】 difficult to understand, unintelligible, abstruse
至難 【シナン】 most difficult, next to impossible
海難 【カイナン】 accident at sea, sea disaster, shipwreck
難い 【かたい】 difficult, hard
難しい 【むずかしい】 difficult, hard, troublesome, complicated, serious (disease, problem, etc.), impossible, unfeasible, fussy, particular, fastidious, hard to please, displeased, gloomy, glum, sullen, serious (look), dirty, unclean, filthy, detestable, unpleasant, uncomfortable, creepy, spooky
難しい顔をする 【むずかしいかおをする】 to look displeased, to frown, to scowl, to look grave, to look serious
難しい 【むずかしい】 difficult, hard, troublesome, complicated, serious (disease, problem, etc.), impossible, unfeasible, fussy, particular, fastidious, hard to please, displeased, gloomy, glum, sullen, serious (look), dirty, unclean, filthy, detestable, unpleasant, uncomfortable, creepy, spooky