Japanese Hiragana Katakana Kanji

Japanese language learning information including:

Hiragana - pronunciation and writing
Katakana - pronunciation and writing
Kanji - grades 1-6 (教育漢字 Kyōiku kanji)
Vocabulary - nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives
Kanji Grade 6 - 暮

Kanji character Grade 6 暮. Writing practice along with onyomi and kunyomi readings.

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Kanji Grade 6 - 暮
none sorry no writing order image for this kanji
evening, twilight, season's end, livelihood, make a living, spend time
Kun: く.れる、 く.らす
On: ボ
14 strokes
Radical: sun, day 日
Parts: 大 艾 日
暮雨 【ボウ】 evening rain
暮雲 【ボウン】 twilight clouds
歳暮 【セイボ】 year-end gift, end of the year, year end
朝々暮々 【チョウチョウボボ】 every morning and evening
暮れる 【くれる】 to get dark, to grow dark, to end (of a day, year, season, etc.), to come to an end, to close, to be sunk in (e.g. despair), to be lost in (e.g. thought), to be overcome with
暮らす 【くらす】 to live, to get along, to spend (time)