Japanese Hiragana Katakana Kanji

Japanese language learning information including:

Hiragana - pronunciation and writing
Katakana - pronunciation and writing
Kanji - grades 1-6 (教育漢字 Kyōiku kanji)
Vocabulary - nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives
Kanji Grade 6 - 盛

Kanji character Grade 6 盛. Writing practice along with onyomi and kunyomi readings.

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Kanji Grade 6 - 盛
boom, prosper, copulate
Kun: も.る、 さか.る、 さか.ん
On: セイ、 ジョウ
11 strokes
Radical: dish 皿
Parts: ノ 戈 皿
盛大 【セイダイ】 grand, magnificent, lavish, large scale, prosperous, thriving, lively, forceful, powerful, vigorous
盛況 【セイキョウ】 success, prosperity, boom
隆盛 【リュウセイ】 prosperity, flourishing, thriving
士気旺盛 【シキオウセイ】 morale being very high, heightened fighting spirit
盛者 【ショウジャ】 prosperous person, powerful person
盛者必衰 【ジョウシャヒッスイ】 even the prosperous inevitably decay, sic transit gloria mundi, all that's fair must fade
強盛 【キョウセイ】 might, mighty
熾盛 【シジョウ】 vigor (like leaping flames), liveliness
盛る 【もる】 to serve (in a bowl, on a plate, etc.), to dish out, to dish up, to fill (a bowl) with, to pile up, to heap up, to fill up, to stack up, to administer (medicine, poison), to dose out, to prescribe, to put into (e.g. information in a report, meaning in a statement), to mark out (e.g. scale), to graduate (e.g. thermometer), to exaggerate, to apply heavy makeup
盛る 【さかる】 to prosper, to flourish, to copulate (animals)
盛ん 【さかん】 prosperous, flourishing, thriving, successful, popular, widespread, active, lively, energetic, vigorous, brisk, strong, enthusiastic, eager, hearty, frequent, repeated
盛んな歓迎 【さかんなかんげい】 cordial reception